Il compito dell’architetto, io credo, è anche quello di suscitare un succedersi di emozioni… I ­­miei ingressi, le mie scale, persino i mobili sono soluzioni urbanistiche. Per 102 anni Luigi Caccia Do­­­minioni è stato un urbanista architetto, un urbanista scultore, un urbanista designer, nel senso che...

Definito "anarchitetto" dal poeta francese Jacques Prévert per via della straordinaria capacità artistica con cui pensava e realizzava le sue opere Jacques Couëlle è stato un architetto autodidatta. In un’intervista alla RAI nel 1969 dice di considerare la casa dell’uomo come “la sua protezione, come il...

Venice, Campo Sant’Angelo, Calle degli Avvocati 3709: here there is a space of 250 square meters that Carlo Scarpa, between 1961 and 1963, completely redesigned. Looking at the photos of the interiors, you can grasp the intimate atmosphere of a place born to be inhabited, lived,...

“Cerco di progettare case il cui valore sia la flessibilità. Più pareti scorrevoli che porte, più trasparenze che muri e più allegria che solitudine" : questo raccontava l’arch. Maria Cristina Mariani Dameno -  nota a tutti come Cini Boeri -  a Margherita Guccione del MAXXI...

Starting from the Sixties, in the wake of the American pop art of Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, Richard Hamilton, and of New Dada by Jasper Johns, a company that, with the support of the architects of Studio Sessanta5, immediately established itself poses in...

Tapestries, fabrics, carpets, patchwork, embroidered or knitted paintings, have been the subject of experimentation by various contemporary artists. Think of the interest shown by Alighiero Boetti , after a trip to Afghanistan in 1971, for the traditional technique of fabric patchwork, used by local...

In an interview released in 1973: "When we used the word" design "we did it with profound respect because it named a new way of thinking and building: it was a word that only us, the insiders used while we tried, moving in a deaf...

Perhaps you have happened to come across some furniture magazines from the 70s. If you have, you will probably have been struck by the topicality of the pages and services offered, and you will have continued to leaf through them with curiosity and pleasure. Not only...

From Campobasso, at the age of fifteen, Gino Marotta moved to Rome, where he came into contact with the artists who animate the Roman scene. Here, in 1960, he founded the CRACK Group together with Cascella, Dorazio, Mauri, Novelli, Perilli, Rotella and Turcato. "I am convinced...