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Il sentiero era aspro, fra grandi graniti spaccati, ma a momenti apparivano delle piccole pianure, donde si godevano vasti panorami, e il timo olezzava, e poi cominciavano i boschi e venivano le felci, e il sentiero rasentava dei ruscelletti pieni di GIUNCO e di frescura.

Grazia Deledda, L’ospite, 1898



masculine noun

  1. Name com. of the herbaceous plants of the Giuncaceae belonging to the genus Giunco; part. : g. common (Juncus effusus), widespread in swamps, on the shores of lakes and streams and on wet meadows, with an erect, green stem, with reduced brownish-yellow leaves. In the systematic: rush, genus of herbaceous plants of the Giuncaceae.
  1. Name of various herbaceous marsh plants used to make mats, baskets and other numerous hand-made objects: such the g. of marsh (Scirpus lacuster), with cylindrical stem, with flowers in flower heads or spikelets gathered in panicles, and the g. black (Schoenus nigricans), common in Italy, so named for its dark inflorescences.

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