General conditions of purchase

The prices of the products sold by Molto Collectibles are VAT excluded and are expressed in euros. Shipping costs are excluded and are added to the total cost of the product subject to the customer’s indication of the destination address.
Product prices may be subject to updates or changes. In the case of orders already accepted, prices cannot be increased.
All content, images and information on our site are subject to change without notice.
By sending the payment, the customer accepts these conditions of sale.


Shipping fees
Shipping costs will be provided upon indication by the customer of the delivery address of the product, they may vary based on the weight and destination of the order. Delivery times are indicative and may vary.


Orders and shipping costs
To place an order, we recommend sending an email directly to the email address specifying the object of interest and the destination address. We will take care of responding as soon as possible, indicating the cost of transport and the most advantageous courier.
The customer is required to guarantee, at the address indicated, the presence of a person authorized to collect the goods. The telephone number is indicated on the package but, generally, the drivers do not call and, in case of absence, simply leave a notice with the methods for releasing the stock. Important: always indicate a house number to prevent the shipment from going into storage. Furthermore, make sure that the same name appears on the intercom as the holder of the order.


Terms of payment
Advance payment by bank transfer upon order confirmation and the total amount including transport costs. The shipment will only take place once the bank transfer has been credited.


Delivery time
Orders are processed on average in 5 working days. However, it may happen that for certain destinations and periods of the year, orders are processed a few days late.


Right of withdrawal
Pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 185 of 22 May 1999, the customer can exercise the right of withdrawal within 10 working days of receiving the goods. This is exercised by sending a registered letter with return receipt to the seller’s address. The same communication can also be sent, always within ten days, by e-mail, provided that it is confirmed by registered letter with return receipt within the following 48 hours. Furthermore, the customer must return the purchased goods to the seller’s address at his own expense. Anyone who has used or damaged the purchased good cannot exercise the right of withdrawal. The customer who has exercised the right of withdrawal in the ways indicated will be refunded the sums paid, with the exclusion of shipping costs for the product. 10% of the price paid for the product will also be deducted from the refund, to offset packaging costs.